Artist : Hideki Yoshimoto
Represented by : Wonderglass
Materials : Resin, Blown Glass, Marble and Metal
Dimension and weight : cm : Cube: is W. 30 x D. 30 x H. 30 ; Base is W. 30.5 x D. 30.5 x H. 100 ; 25 kg
Presentation : A beautiful evocation of the resilience of life on earth, Rise hints at the eternal mystery of life deep below and the creatures whose existence we only know by their breath rising to meet us, in the form of bubbles. Upon reaching the surface and breaking, these bubbles enter our atmosphere and eventually our own lungs – in the bubble is a communion of all life on earth. Like the deep-sea creatures by which it is inspired, the work’s blown glass bubbles arrest the breaths of WonderGlass artisans in glass form.
Numbered edition.